

med ∩ ml

Why I use executable scripts instead of shell aliases

I stopped using shell aliases and moved everything into executable scripts.

Main Benefits

  • No need to source your .bashrc after adding new scripts
  • No need to edit .bashrc, just drop executable files in your ~/bins folder (already in my $PATH)
  • Use immediately without reloading your shell
  • Faster iteration (edit script, re-run command, repeat).
  • Available in more places:

Executable scripts in your PATH can be used inside other scripts, sub-shells, find -exec, xargs -I{}, and other environments where the aliases defined in your .bashrch are not read by default 1

Easy organization

I can quickly decide which scripts go to which machines:

  • Some scripts only run on my laptop
  • Others run on all ubuntu machines
  • Some are project-specific, or just do my day-to-day job

I used to manage this with ansible playbooks and it was super unmaintainable and hard to reason about. Since I moved to executable scripts I haven’t had this issue.

Simple Deployment

I organize my scripts by purpose. I have a .txt list of scripts for each purpose, then rsync them appropriately. For example:

  • One list for scripts needed on all machines
  • Another list for Ubuntu servers only
  • A separate list for daily work tasks


  • common-bins.txt
  • laptop-bins.txt

To copy them:

rsync --checksum --update -Pavzh --files-from=common-bins.txt ./bins/ $HOME/bin/
rsync --checksum --update -Pavzh --files-from=laptop-bins.txt ./bins/ $HOME/bin/

The best part? I never have to source .bashrc again. All my tools are ready to use as soon as I create and copy them.


I start all my scripts with a comma. I’ve found this to be a wonderful improvement.

  1. Thanks to this HN comment for the reminder. ↩︎