

med ∩ ml

Vanishing feedback button with FastAPI and hyperscript

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Feedback is one of the most importante things when you are creating a product (probably the most important one!), so it should be easy for users to give feedback. In this post we’ll see how to implement a feedback button easily. This exact code is what I’m using at drwn.io, a little project I’m working on with a friend.

The button does the following: after you use it, it will change its text to “Thank you!”, then it will fade out we will have our backend handle the message. Let’s see it in action:

The first thing we need is an html button, it’s styled using Tailwind CSS. Notice the _="on click ...", this is where we will put our hyperscript code. To use hyperscript, add this to your page’s <head>.

(Now I’m using version 0.0.3, make sure to update it if you are reading it in the future)

<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]"></script>

And now our HTML button with hyperscript:

  class="inline-flex ml-3 transition-opacity duration-500 ease-in rounded-md shadow"
    _="on click call getFeedback() then set #get-feedback-button.innerText to 'Thank you!' then wait 1000ms then toggle .opacity-0 on #get-feedback-div then wait 600ms then toggle .hidden on #get-feedback-div"
    class="inline-flex items-center justify-center px-5 py-3 text-base font-medium text-blue-600 bg-white border border-transparent rounded-md hover:bg-blue-50"
                  Give us feedback

We can go step-by-step with hyperscript:

  1. on click call getFeedback(): when the button is clicked, execute the function getFeedback() (explained later).

  2. then set #get-feedback-button.innerText to 'Thank you!': after that, get the element with id get-feedback-button and change the innerText to 'Thank you!'

  3. then wait 1000ms: self-explanatory I guess

  4. then toggle .opacity-0 on #get-feedback-div: toggle the CSS class opacity-0 in the element with id get-feedback-div

  5. then wait 600ms then toggle .hidden on #get-feedback-div: finally, wait again and toggle the class hidden on the element

What I love about hyperscript is:

  • The code is all in one place, I don’t have to go back and forth between javascript and html files
  • It feels like I’m writing in a declarative language. I tell it what I want, and it does it.

Now our getFeedback() function. It’s straightforward, use prompt() to get a message, if the user writes something, send a JSON request to the /feedback_prompt endpoint.

function getFeedback() {
  var message = prompt("Write your message here:", "");

  if (message != "") {
    const data = { msg: message };

    fetch("/feedback_prompt", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify(data),
      .catch((error) => {
        alert("There was an error sending your message, please try it later.");

And now our backed with FastAPI to wrap everything up. We have an endpoint that reads the message and passes it to a notify() function. This function can be whatever you want, in my projects it’s usually sending the message to telegram, slack and/or email.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

# whatever you want to do with the feedback message
# save to the database, send to telegram, slack, email...
def notify(message: str):
	return message

class FeedBackPrompData(BaseModel):
    msg: str

async def feedback_post(data: FeedBackPrompData):

    content = f"Feeback from drwn.io:\n\n{data.msg}"


And that’s it, we now have a working full-stack system to have a feedback button.